Tour an Expertly Crafted Remodeled Home

The HBA’s Remodelers Council includes some of Portland, Oregon’s most prestigious remodelers. The council provides continuing education and support for its talented tradesman and contractors and education to the local public about remodeling. Many members of the coucil have won both local and national design/build awards. In the past 10 years, the council has grown to over 260 members and is currently the third largest in the United States.trm_tickets4

Remodeling projects are continuing to grow in the Portland area and around the country. Americans look forward to a place to rest and rejuvenate in casual living, many homeowners are more interested in customizing their current home than moving in the current housing marketing, and the green movement has also increased interest in remodeling. Have you been thinking of updating your kitchen, bath, fireplace or even a full house remodel? Would you like some inspiring ideas and a chance to meet a few remodelers in a casual atmosphere?

The Remodelers Council and the Home Builder’s Association will hold its 10th annual Tour of Remodeled Homes on March 14th & 15th. The scattered home tour includes homes from all over the metropolitan area. Here is a list of design/build firms participating in this year’s tour.

I consider myself a lucky interior designer to have friendships and business relationships with several of the participants in the tour.


Stanley Home Renovatio7n & Design has a private VIP night planned the Thursday evening before the tour at their client’s home. Their multi-room project features a kitchen makeover transformed from a dark, narrow, 1980’s kitchen into a great room with light and personality. Please email an RSVP if you’d like to join us for the private evening affair on Thursday, March 12th. I have decided I am bringing chocolate to go with the red wine – if you like I will share some with you.

Before (below) and After (above) photo courtesyuntitled of Stanley Home Renovation and Design

Angela Todd Studios For Custom Furnishings

Angela Todd

Owner & Principal Designer

Angela is the principal designer at her boutique interior design firm in Portland, Oregon. She is known for creating memorable backdrops that tell the story of fascinating and intricate lives.

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Angela Todd Studios Oregon Coast