Follow me on Pinterest

Have you caught the Pinterest bug yet? It is a digital pin board. Imagine all the things on the Internet you see that inspire you. Retracing your steps to find those sites and images later can be futile. Pinterest is a way to “pin” the links on your own digital boards so you can find them easily when you need them again. As an added bonus, the photo you pin links directly the original source website.

I admit when I first heard about Pinterest I thought, “What is the point of that? Ugh. Another silly site I don’t have time to visit.”

Wow! I underestimated the power of this simple site. Several months ago we began to use Pinterest to pin interior design ideas and furnishings at Angela Todd Designs. It grew and we even starting using Pinterest for client presentations. Today we use our color printer much less, and organizing furnishing pieces by categories has allowed us to find our resources and ideas quickly. Before we would have dozens of pieces of furniture printed on color copies for client presentations. Today, I use my iPad to showcase galleries and to discuss options. My most frustrating problem, spinning my wheels trying to locate an item I saw months earlier online, is virtually gone. Imagine seeing a unique reclaimed coffee table, and six months later working with a client that would love the piece in their home. Now try to remember what the manufacturer website is you visited six months ago. With Pinterest, all I have to do is visit our coffee table gallery, because I pinned it six months ago!

Recently several of our clients looking to work on additional projects in their home “followed me” on Pinterest. They have started their own furniture ideas for their projects using items in our galleries. We easily share ideas and comments back and forth. This little jewel of a site has saved us hours of design time, allowed us to print less paper, and helps us communicate ideas faster.

I see the point in Pinterest afterall! Maybe you do too. We invite you to follow us on Pinterest.


Upholstered Chairs


and here is that fabulous Coffee Table!


Angela Todd Studios For Custom Furnishings

Angela Todd

Owner & Principal Designer

Angela is the principal designer at her boutique interior design firm in Portland, Oregon. She is known for creating memorable backdrops that tell the story of fascinating and intricate lives.

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Angela Todd Studios Oregon Coast