Angela’s Daydream Award
Some of you know that my Mom and sister live in Indianapolis and are certified redesigners and home staging professionals. They trained with Diane Agricola, a trainer with the Society of Decorating Professionals.
Earlier this year they invited me to the SDP’s conference in sunny Arizona in August. Spending a week in sunny Arizona with my Mom and sister, comparing notes with other designers and decorators, surrounding myself around color and design ideas, and it is all tax deductable? Yep! Count me in.
The Society of Design Professionals also holds an international design contest each year. A design board will narrow down each category to five entries, and conference attendees will vote the winner at conference. This award would be priceless, because your design peers selected your work blindly, without politics, and without names.
I entered before and after photos for eight projects in these categories:
- Interior Design
- Redesign
- Color
- Accessorizing
- Home Staging
I haven’t been to an SDP conference before, but I am envisioning an envelope, lots of applause and hearing my name after “The winner is…” Will I have an opportunity to offer an acceptance speech? Probably not.
So, I will give my acceptance speech now, just in case.
Giving my clients joy by creating exceptional, personalized spaces is the highest compliment I could ever receive. The second is having my peers acknowledge me for it.